Our strategies and plans

As water is a vital public service and customers have no choice over who supplies their drinking water, we run an extensive engagement programme. This helps ensure our plans and investments reflect their priorities and those of wider stakeholders. 

An important part of this programme involves holding sessions to give our customers and stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions directly to our Leadership team on our recent performance and ask how we intend to improve the service. This is particularly important for the areas where targets are not currently being met. 

What's happened so far?

On 15 October 2024, we held our most recent 'Your Water, Your Say' session.

Customers and stakeholders joined members of our Senior Leadership team to discuss our performance over the last 18 months with a focus on water quality, leakage, our environmental investments and our support for customers paying their water bills. 

We will be publishing an independent report of the session in November.

Take a look at the key documents that were shared with attendees below.  

Key Documents

Your Water, Your Say 2023

In June and November 2023, we held two 'Your Water, Your Say' sessions ahead of, and just after, our business plan was submitted for review by the economic regulator for the water industry in England and Wales, Ofwat. 

Our business plan for 2025-2030 sets out the investments we've planned, over the next five years, to deliver the services, and improvements to our environment, that you expect.

Both sessions were hosted by an Independent Chair, appointed by Ofwat and the Consumer Council for Water (CCW). Members of our Executive Team attended to present our business plan for 2025-30 and answer questions about it.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the outputs from our 'Your Water, Your Say' sessions, please email us: yoursay@south-staffs-water.co.uk

Useful links

You can find out more about the 2023 meetings from CCW and Ofwat.