Local councillor visits South Staffs Water's Community hub
Posted: 14 June 2019

Councillor Elaine Costigan visited South Staffs Water’s Community hub to support its food bank collection for local charities within the community.
Food banks have proven to be a necessity in recent times, with The Trussell Trust reporting that ‘a record 1.6 million food bank parcels’ were given out in the UK last year.
Councillor Costigan said of her visit to the South Staffs Water Community hub:
“It is great to see the help and support for our local food banks and for South Staffs Water to be actively involved in another project that is vital to the community.”
Amanda Lee, Customer and Community Engagement Officer for South Staffs Water, welcomed Costigan and highlighted the importance of helping the most vulnerable:
“At a time where food bank usage is on the rise, it is important for us to get involved and do what we can to help. Thank you to Councillor Costigan for coming along to offer her support.”
Posted: 14 June 2019