
Grenfell Road allotments was awarded a PEBBLE grant of £2,100 towards the Beekeeping and Crafts project during the 2021 - 22 funding period.

Grenfell Road allotments is a large site in the Midlands which sits close to a nearby watercourse, therefore is unable to be used for renting because of the risk of flooding. In previous years, the land was barely used and so the committee decided to make it into a wildlife area and work has been done in the past to plant fruit trees on the land.

Plot holders at the allotments showed a keen interest in bringing honeybees to the site so that they could carry out craft days with the beeswax and sell honey to the local community, with proceeds going back into the site and apiary. The Beekeeping and Crafts project involved the installation of two beehives and colonies, and more trees and bulbs were planted in the established orchard and wildflower area. The Woodland Trust also donated some trees and bushes to help enhance biodiversity at the site.

The Beekeeping and Crafts project was welcomed by the local community who love to see bees on site and regularly purchase the honey produced. Not only this, but the project has also helped to provide an income to Grenfell Road Allotments, which will hopefully go towards funding more biodiversity projects.

Posted: April 2023


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Graphic stating Pebble - projects that explore biodiversity benefits in the local environment