
Compensation payments to be paid to all customers affected by recent supply issues

Posted: 07 March 2018

Due to the recent freeze and sudden thaw, customers across our network have been affected by the large number of bursts, leaving some without supply and others with much lower than normal water pressure.

We're paying £25 compensation to any household customer, who has been without water for over 12 hours or has experienced much lower than normal water pressure, as per our guaranteed standards of service. We aim to ensure that any of our customers affected will be sent a letter and receive payment by the end of next week. Find out more about our Guaranteed Standards of Service.

Our customers don't need to do anything. We will write to you as soon as possible to let you know and we plan to make all payments by the end of next week. If you don't hear from us within a couple of weeks, we're also happy for customers to contact us directly, should they wish to talk to us about their specific compensation.

Rachael Merrell, Head of Customer Services, said: “We'd like to apologise to any customers, who've been affected by these problems. Some customers have experienced loss of supply and we know others have been experienced problems with water pressure over the last few days.

We have had teams working around the clock to fix bursts and maintain our service and we are now confident that these issues have been resolved. We continue work on our network and customers may experience very short periods of supply interruption, while they're being completed. Our aim is to tell you in advance if this is going to happen.  We encourage customers to visit our website or have a look on social media sites for regular updates."