Results for: charges scheme

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Customer charges scheme 2022/23

Customer charges scheme 2024/25

Wholesale charges scheme 2023/24

Wholesale charges scheme 2022/23

Statement of final wholesale water charges and charges scheme


Indicative wholesale charges scheme 2023/24

Indicative wholesale charges scheme 2022/23

Draft wholesale charges scheme 2024/25

Indicative Wholesale Charges Scheme 2021-22

Statement of indicative wholesale water charges and charges scheme 2020-2021


Indicative Wholesale Charges Scheme 2020-21

Statement of indicative wholesale water charges and charges scheme 2020-2021


Indicative Wholesale Charges Scheme 2019-20

Statement of indicative wholesale water charges and charges scheme 2019-20


Customer charges scheme 2020/21

This charges scheme sets out our charges for water services and also those we collect on behalf of Severn Trent Water for wastewater services. This scheme comes into effect on 1 April 2020.


Customer charges scheme 2021/22

This charges scheme sets out our charges for water services and also those we collect on behalf of Severn Trent Water for wastewater services.


Customer Charges Scheme 2023-2024

This charges scheme sets out our charges for water services and also those we collect on behalf of Severn Trent for wastewater services, with effect from 1 April 2023.


Customer charges scheme 2019 - 2020

This Charges Scheme sets out our charges for water services and also those we collect on behalf of Severn Trent Water for wastewater services.


Wholesale Charges Scheme 2019 - 20

This charges scheme sets out our wholesale charges to provide water to a retailer. All charges are effective from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, unless otherwise stated.


Statement of final wholesale water charges and charges scheme 2021-2022

This charges scheme sets out our wholesale charges to provide water to a retailer. All charges are effective from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, unless otherwise stated.


Statement of final wholesale water charges and charges scheme 2020-2021

This charges scheme sets out our wholesale charges to provide water to a retailer. All charges are effective from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, unless otherwise stated. Wholesale charges are the charges that retailers have to pay wholesalers for the provision of wholesale water services.


Final Wholesale Charges Scheme 2024-25

Statement of significant change to end-user charges 2021-22

Under the charges scheme rules issued by Ofwat, this statement summarises significant changes to our 2021-22 charges.


Statement of significant change to wholesale charges 2020-21

Under the wholesale charges scheme rules issued by the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat), the Company is required to provide a statement summarising significant changes to 2020-21 wholesale charges.


Statement of significant changes to developer charges 2023

Under the charges scheme rules for new connection services issued by the Ofwat, we are required to include a statement in the charging arrangements for new connection services setting out any significant changes to bills for typical developments when publishing those arrangements for 2023-24. This is set out in this document


Developer Services Charges 2018/19

Miscellaneous charges 2022/23

NAV charges 2023/24

Miscellaneous charges 2023/24

Miscellaneous Water Charges 2024/25

Wholesale non-primary charges 2022/23

Primary charges summary table 2023/24

Indicative primary charges summary table

Primary Charges Summary Table 2024-25

Board assurance statement for wholesale charges 2023/24

Developer charges Board assurance statement 2018/19

Board approval of developer charges for 2020-21 assurance statement

Board approval of developer charges for 2020-21 assurance statement


Your guide to household metered charges 2019/20

Developer services charges 2021/22 board assurance statement

Developer services charges 2021/22 board assurance statement


Statement of significant change for indicative wholesale charges 2023/24

Statement of significant change for indicative wholesale charges 2023/24


End user charges assurance statement 2022/23

End user charges assurance statement 2020-21

Confirmation of Board approval of the end user charges for 2020-21.


Board assurance statement for developer charges 2019 - 2020

Confirmation of Board approval for the developer charges 2019 - 2020


End User Charges Assurance Statement 2019 - 2020

Confirmation of Board approval of the end user charges for 2019-2020.


End user charges assurance statement 2021/22

Board assurance statement for draft wholesale charges 2024-25

Board assurance statement for draft wholesale charges 2024-25


Developer Service Charges 2019-2020

This document sets out and defines the way South Staffs Water (incorporating Cambridge Water) will charge developers for everything associated with new developments and new connections to our network. These charges cover the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.


Wholesale non-primary charges 2020-21

This document outlines the non-primary charges for use by licensed retailers in connection with services requested from South Staffs Water in support of the competitive retail market.


Wholesale non-primary charges 2021-2022

This document outlines the non-primary charges for use by licensed retailers in connection with services requested from us in support of the competitive retail market.


Wholesale non-primary charges 2020/21

This document outlines the non-primary charges for use by licensed retailers in connection with services requested from South Staffs Water in support of the competitive retail market.


Board assurance statement for final end-user charges 2024/25

Board assurance statement for final end-user charges 2024/25


Code of Practice for household customers 2023/24 - Water charges and bills

Our policy on charging and the scale of charges payable within the year


Wholesale non-primary charges 2019 - 2020

This document outlines the non-primary charges for use by licensed retailers in connection with services requested from South Staffs Water in support of the competitive retail market.


Customer charges Board assurance statement 2023

In approving the charges for 2023-24, the Directors confirm that they comply with the provisions below. This statement also sets out how the Board has assured itself of each provision.


Developer charges Board assurance statement 2023

In approving the charges for 2023-24, the directors confirm that they comply with the provisions below. This statement also sets out how the Board has assured itself of each provision.


Developer services statement of significant changes 2020-21

Under the charges scheme rules for new connection services issued by the Ofwat, we are required to include a statement in the charging arrangements for new connection services setting out any significant changes to bills for typical developments.


Developer Services Statement of Significant Changes 2024-25

Under the charges scheme rules for new connection services issued by the Ofwat, we are required to include a statement in the charging arrangements for new connection services setting out any significant changes to bills for typical developments when publishing those arrangements for 2024-25. This is set out in this document.


New connections charges 2020/21

WMRP 2019 - Appendix W

Appendix W WRMP Methodology for Estimnating Supply Scheme costs


Developer services charges 2022/23 board assurance statement

Statement of significant change to end user charges 2020-21

Overall, the average household bill in the South Staffs region will increase from £146 as set out in our Business Plan for 2019-20 to £149 in 2020-21


New appointment and variations (NAVs) application

If you would like to apply for a NAV scheme, you will need to complete a NAV application.


Code of Practice for household customers 2023/24 - Customer Promise

Our Customer Promise covers the terms of the statutory Guaranteed Standards Scheme and sets out our additional customer service promises


Code of Practice Addendum Document

This document details the South Staffs Water specific Code of Practice requirements under the WIRSAE scheme for Accredited Entities.


Statement of significant change for end user customers 2022/23

Board Assurance Statement 2024-25

Board Assurance Statement for Final Wholesale Charges 2024-25


Developer Services Board Assurance Statement 2024-25

In approving the charges for 2024-25, the Directors confirm that they comply with the provisions below. This statement also sets out how the Board has assured itself of each provision.


Assure Tariff Application Form

This is a special tariff that can help some customers on low income pay their bill. If you're eligible and your application is successful, your charges will be discounted for 2 years, in the first by 60% and the second year by 40%.
